
Automated Mailroom Technology: Streamlining Document Processing



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The efficient handling of incoming documents is crucial for maintaining productivity and customer satisfaction. An Intelligent Mailroom solution offers a transformative approach to managing document workflows by leveraging advanced technologies to automate and streamline the entire process.

Mailroom Automation and the Document Journey

The journey of an incoming document within an organization is revolutionized, regardless of format or source, documents are swiftly processed and distributed to relevant departments, ensuring seamless operations. This is made possible through a blend of AI technologies. Our AI technology automates document processing by using advanced features like OCR to extract printed or handwritten text, ICR to improve recognition of different handwriting styles, OMR for detecting marks like checkboxes, and barcode scanning for fast data extraction and tracking. Together, these tools streamline workflows and improve accuracy.

Mailroom Scanner or OCR

Key to the success of an Intelligent Mailroom is its use of AI that accurately extracts crucial information from incoming documents, enabling efficient classification, metadata extraction, and routing.

This is what the journey of incoming documents looks like:

  1. Loads of documents arrive at your firm, in any document format, through any channel.
  2. OCR, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) go through the documents to identify, classify (into categories such as contracts, claims, orders, and invoices) and prepare to distribute them correctly.
  3. The same technologies also extract metadata from the documents’ contents (think of data such as customer number, receiver’s and sender’s addresses, date, and signature), preparing it for validation in your business database.
  4. The documents are now ready to travel. They are delivered to the right department—finance, HR, customer service, marketing, claims, and others.

Our Intelligent Mailroom does this by using techniques such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), intelligent character recognition, optical mark recognition, and barcode scanning.

WHITEPAPER – INTELLIGENT MAILROOMAn Intelligent Mailroom (IM) is a technology that quickly processes all inbound documents in any format and then distributes them to the relevant departments across your organization. It supports operations, saves time, and prevents errors and losses. Moving to an Intelligent Mailroom will improve your operational excellence, increasing your responsiveness.


effective intelligent mailrooms image docbyte

“Employees feel more valued as their work is more challenging—instead of administration they can focus on serving customers quickly and personally.”

Benefits of Mailroom Automation

Implementing mailroom automation brings a myriad of benefits, starting with its efficiency. Businesses have reduced manual intervention, leading to faster case handling and response times. It also adds an extra layer of accuracy with data extraction and classifications at the core of intelligent mailrooms, reducing human errors in the process. 

Regarding compliance and audits, you gain a fully transparent document journey. From arrival to distribution, every step of the document journey is tracked, enabling robust reporting and analytics.


Automated Mailrooms are a Customer-Centric Approach

Customers demand efficient and transparent services. With mailroom automation, organizations can ensure clear communication, quick issue resolution, and a seamless customer experience. On the backend you have a quick summary of your clients so that you always receive the full picture of their situation. This avoids many problems, definitely when the customer end up talking to different customer support representatives. 

How long will the implementation take?

To know what return you can expect from an Intelligent Mailroom, consider these five steps, and build your business case:

  1. Make sure you know exactly what types and formats of information are coming into your organization and from where.
  2. Get an overview of how many documents arrive daily in your organization (if you do not know, an additional audit may be necessary).
  3. Count the number of people you employ to receive, handle, sort, process, and dispatch documents—both internally and externally.
  4. Find out if your workload is growing, fluctuating, or stable.
  5. Determine how long it currently takes for documents to reach their destination from the initial entry.


An implementation takes between two weeks and three months. The implementation is organized in phases and brings value throughout the entire process. A mailroom solution can be deployed within two weeks and generate immediate results. For a complex organization, it is usually fully in place within three months.


Transitioning to an Intelligent Mailroom solution is not just about adopting new technology—it’s about empowering employees, delighting customers, and optimizing workflows. By embracing automation, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency and customer satisfaction, paving the way for sustained success in the digital age.

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