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Smart Solutions By Docbyte

Docbyte Provides Banks and

Financial Institutions With Smart

Solutions for Document Processing,

Classification, and Data Extraction

Boost your business operations—upgrade your paper-based

processes to modern, know your customer banking, compliant digital alternatives that are easier to

manage and search. Discover how our KYC solutions can

speed up KYC guidelines and application processes while preventing

fraud and ensuring regulatory compliance. Attracting new

customers will be the cherry on top of your success. 🍒

Main Benefits of Streamlining Your

Document-Related Processes

Apply our AI-based automation solutions to streamline your customer's

journey—from the loan application and document submission to the loan

approval. Get more efficient all across the process and benefit from:


1 .Improving KYC Compliance

No more complicated forms. Our AI-powered Document Collection solution will simplify the verification process and make it as user-friendly as possible. Automating the know your customer guidelines will reduce manual errors and speed up the authentication procedure.

2 .Accelerating Loan/

Leasing/Mortgage Applications

Onboard your customers quickly and efficiently, whether at the point of sale or through an app or website. Easily collect all necessary documents and accelerate the process from days to hours or minutes.

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3 .Avoiding Frauds and Upholding

Regulatory Standards

Automate the process of verifying regulatory compliance for contracts, financial records, and identity documents. Our solutions will identify potential fraudulent activities quickly and accurately based on predefined rules or machine learning algorithms.

4 .Deeper Understanding of

Customer Behavior

With our advanced analytics and reporting, you can visualize and analyze your customers' spending patterns and trends in real time. This allows you to make more accurate business decisions and identify potential risks and opportunities.

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5 .Digitizing Archives

Regardless of the size of your archive, we can transform it into digital form in searchable formats. Digitizing your archives provides invaluable comfort for your employees and enables them to process more applications in a shorter period of time.

Intelligent Technology for Financial Institutions

Docbyte AI-based solutions for banks, lenders, insurance companies, and others use principles of machine learning (ML), KYC processing and natural language processing (NLP).

document collection docbyte

Automated sending of document upload requests (e-mail or text message) directly to customers.

document classification & extraction docbyte

Extracting information from documents (including handwriting and printed text), turning them into structured data using optical character recognition (OCR) and NLP.

document verification docbyte

Know your customer data & compare with other sources, and using digital signatures to verify the authenticity of electronic documents.

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Providing your documents with long-term validity, authenticity, and integrity while being 100% compliant with the updated regulations

See How We Can Help Streamlining

Business Processes in Your Institution

Get in touch today, and we will find the perfect combination of our intelligent solutions for you!

Let us show you

how Docbyte can help

Take care of systems that aren’t part of your core activities, but that you need to process and preserve vital information.

Deliver an agile digital vault for compliant access to information by team members and customers.

Drastically shorten compliance processes by extracting data, validating data and digital signatures.

Trusted by Global Businesses Across all ndustries

Request a short session with one of our digital archiving specialists and find out which solution works best for you.

What Differentiate Us

Omnichannel and omniformat

Omnichannel and omniformat

Combine Documents as a case

Combine Documents as a case

Complex data extraction and verification

Complex data extraction and verification

Business Rule automation

Business Rule automation

Trusted and Secure document delivery

Trusted and Secure document delivery

Zero knowledge required

Zero knowledge required

We commit on the result

We commit on the result

We maintain the solution

We maintain the solution