Digital Sealing: The next step in digital transformation [Whitepaper]
Europe’s eIDAS Regulation aims to increase European cross border digital exchange of information and push governments to more digital exchange with citizens. For organisations, eIDAS provides a legal framework for website authentication, digital signature, digital sealing, qualified timestamping and more. New “cloud of trust” service provisions will emerge providing trusted services around identification, signature, sealing and time stamping. As these trusted third parties are not bound to Member state limitations, a new market will emerge where organisations can benefit from such services provided throughout Europe. With the legal equivalence of qualified digitally signed/sealed/timestamped documents, organisations can realize significant wins in both cost reduction and increased efficiency. This allows to take the next step in the digital transformation of the organisation and increasingly work paperless. Read on in the free whitepaper below to discover the other benefits and drivers of digital sealing, and how to choose the right sealing solution. DOWNLOAD FREE